Monday, September 28, 2009

The (most recent) logic of Megan Bender ;)

Ok sorry, it takes me so long to update this blog. Im usually really busy, or Im too tired to write. Haha so I will take the time today to write a nice long post about whats going on here, how Im feeling, hows DK etc. I will bold my topics, so things wont get so confusing ;)

Funny/Odd Things I've been told/asked
So far I have gotten alot of questions or statments about where Im from or why I do things the way I do. Haha so here is a collection of the funniest things I've heard.

-Are all american highschools exactly like they show in the movies?
-Are the girls as mean as they are in "Mean Girls"
-Are all americans fat?
-Where do you come from... you have a really funny accent?
-How can you live in a society like the U.S (after watching Sicko)
-I'm so glad I dont live in the U.S, its not safe at all, you cant walk out on the streets at night, and the fashion there is just so ugly
-In the U.S everything is just extreme, theres not in between, either your obese or your annorexic, either your religious or your protesting religion

My only reaction to half these is laughing them off, obviously some are pretty amusing, but sometimes I find these statments to be offensive, and in a way like they are already set on the answer they want to hear. The U.S is not at all a bad place, we have alot of issues yes, but so does every country. Im doing my best to explain to the best of my ability but for future cases, I know not to take it so personally, its a cultural difference and Im learning. And lauging while doing so ;)

School life
School has been going pretty good for the most part. I enjoy going to school because I get to test out my knowledge of "coversational danish", especially when it comes to understanding everyone when they're speaking at their pace. I dont understand much outside of danish and spanish class but I do learn alot by sitting there and TRYING to find something. So even though its a great struggle, I really enjoy testing myself, and doing homework for my danish class the day before! The only real obvious struggle I'm encountering is that everyone is SO nice, and everyone is willing to be nice, but it seems like theres no one willing to work towards a friendship, just that its left at an acquantance basis, and no further. It kind of sucks to feel like you're the one tagging along, but then again I know that anyone new would feel the same way. I just walked into a class of like 26 people who are super close and have known each other for a 2 years... so Im guessing I should've expected it. But Im not giving up hope, of course I want close friends so I will keep trying but Im thinking that I should try a sport/activity to meet danes in a better enviroment, and then maybe I will be able to get closer to people, and still be immeresed in the danish atmosphere.

Exchange Student/Rotary
This past weekend we had a get together with all the exchange students in my district, 1470. It was such a nice, cozy weekend! "Hyggeglit" is a very sutitable adjective! Anyways, we had a weekend of just chilling and spending time with each other while playing games, and making up projects and providing evening enteratiment. I enjoyed just being with people who are all SO different, but we all get along, we all get along well. It was just a nice change of pace to experience it from that point of view and to spend some time being busy to keep my mind off of what I miss back at home. I definatly appreciate Rotary's support in helping us exchange students get closer, because we are our best support system. And I thank God for it everyday!

How I'm feeling in general
Overall I think things are going at a pretty decent rate. Im super happy to be here and Im super excited to learn more and more as the time flys by. My greatest struggle as of these past two weeks is just a bit of homesickness. Actually I lied... alot of homesickness. I just miss things being normal, and not having to worry about the simple things that I used to never think about back home. I miss my mommy and daddy, and my sister. I miss spending time with my grandparents are their cabin in the fall, I miss my best friends Megan, Kaitlin, and Kathleen. But most of all I miss who I used to be in some ways. I miss how strong I used to be in alot of ways, it feels like Im incredibly passive now, and nothing affects me in the same way as it used to. I enjoy that Im changing, but in another way I dont enjoy the fact that Im becomming less of myself. However, as of today, I can tell you I dont miss anything. All I can think about now is how Im going to make THIS YEAR the best, and how Im going to make lots of friends, and how Im going to speak fluent danish by the end of the year. Im so so so thankful for this opportunity. I love Denmark and I love every emotion Im feeling, even if they hurt. I like the fact that I'm questioning the way I live back at home, and I like the fact that I'm growing more independent. I hope that this year I can gain a strong sense of confidence in myself, and that I can take that home with me and continue building on to it. So far, things have been amazing, I really really have nothing to complain about. So for all of the future exchange students, just understand this, you will have days that are the lowest of the lows, but dont ever let it stop you from pursuing a great year. One day can't possibly determine a whole year... unless you let it. So just let the clouds pass by and the sun will shine through before you know it.... trust me, it will be worth it =)

Anyways, so there was a nice long update. As of now I dont have too many huge plans.
So it feels like Im ACTUALLY living in Denmark now, I can no longer be looked upon as a tourist! Haha its a nice feeling, but also a very hard hitting reality. Im less American everyday Im here, haha minus my accent =)

So just for fun Im going to write some danish phrases/words I know

-Jeg Hedder Megan
-Jeg Kommer fra U.S.A.
-Jeg bor i Holte, DK
-Jeg elsker Danmark!
-Jeg vil gerne have en kup kaffe
-Hvor gammel er du?
-Hvor kommer du fra?
-Jeg elsker dansk dregner!
-Jeg har en cykel
-Jeg elsker dansk mad
-Tak for mad
-Hej Hej
-Hav en god dag
-Hav en god weekend
-Hvad skal du lave i weekenden?
-Slappe af

That was just a quick example of what I enjoy saying. Haha so yeah, theres a bit of danish for you! Anyways, I love you all very much! Anyone who takes the time to read this- thank you so much, you're the reason I'm writing!
'Til next time

Megan =)

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